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Recent front page messages:
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» Have you ever paid for sex?
"my baby, my baby"
Siiigh, not me, but a "friend" lost his cherry to a Czech lady of the night. Alls well that ends well you may think, eh, but no. He tells it that after doing the dirty deed in dingy hotel she started to demand more money. Being a wee slip of a lad of 17 years old he started to panic about her getting nasty or indeed her pimp. He made his escape, only for the "brass" to follow him to the street, chasing him shouting "my baby, my baby," while clutching her stomoch and interjecting the odd native tounged curse. He ran, he escape, he questioned the morals of ever paying for it again. We still sometimes like to chase him, after a few drinkos on a night, through the highways and byways of London, shouting, "my baby." Siiigh, living the dream, living the dream......
(Tue 24th Jan 2006, 12:31, More)
"my baby, my baby"
Siiigh, not me, but a "friend" lost his cherry to a Czech lady of the night. Alls well that ends well you may think, eh, but no. He tells it that after doing the dirty deed in dingy hotel she started to demand more money. Being a wee slip of a lad of 17 years old he started to panic about her getting nasty or indeed her pimp. He made his escape, only for the "brass" to follow him to the street, chasing him shouting "my baby, my baby," while clutching her stomoch and interjecting the odd native tounged curse. He ran, he escape, he questioned the morals of ever paying for it again. We still sometimes like to chase him, after a few drinkos on a night, through the highways and byways of London, shouting, "my baby." Siiigh, living the dream, living the dream......
(Tue 24th Jan 2006, 12:31, More)