b3ta.com user wheeze
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» Airport Stories

In a pickle....
Me and 6 mates going on holiday to Malta back in the late Eighties. At Gatwick Airport on the shuttle going over to airside having just checked in.

We are all in high spirits and discussing the previous nights TV, in particular an episode of "Alas Smith & Jones". I commented to my friends how funny i thought it was, especially the sketch about Richard Bransons latest record attempt "to go 24 hours without publicity". Thus ensued a rather long spiel from myself about how much of a c**t Branson is (as an ex virgin employee i can vouch for this).

Mid-diatribe i notice my friends all look a little concerned at the goings on behind me. I turned round and stood RIGHT behind me is Mr.Branson himself, along with his wife and 2 kids who were on the floor laughing.
In a futile attempt to keep my cool i made a rather unfunny comment about not liking his jars of pickle and made a swift exit...happy days :-)

ps - first post for me!
(Fri 3rd Mar 2006, 15:59, More)