b3ta.com user Linus Van Pelt
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Best answers to questions:

» Child Labour

mmm, penicillin...
As a young (and quite frankly foolish) teenager wanting vodka money, I got a job in the local greengrocers, having being seduced with the idea of free strawberries (or something like that anyway). However, the wage was £2.50 p/h, bearing in mind that this was only about 5 years ago and therefore still worth, well NOTHING. The worst part was at christmas, when satsumas and all those other godawful miniature orange wannabe fruits are in fashion and out of every crate that came in, about 15 would have gone completely mouldy. We're talking grey balls of fluff that disintegrate into blobs of grossness and slime as soon as you touch them. So anyway, myself and all the other underage underpaid workers would don a plastic bag on each hand (no gloves, oh no, just those RUBBISH see through bags you get in supermarkets etc) and pick out the bloody rank fruit. If we did it particularly quickly or well we would get as a little bonus...a FRICKING SATSUMA! probably from the crate we just cleaned. grr.
(S.K Fruits in Trowbridge if you're wondering. Named and shamed.)
(Fri 17th Feb 2006, 13:54, More)

» Failed

Student Loan
I failed my application for a Student Loan. Apparently, I didn't make enough money to be considered. I thought the whole idea of student loans was to find people without money and lend it to them at stupid rates of interest. However I was wrong. I also failed to see the funny side of this and had to be forcibly ejected from a certain building society (rhymes with tallywhacks), by my brother-in-law's mother. That was a strange day.
(Fri 5th Jan 2007, 19:01, More)