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» Accidentally Erotic
guys in make up
tim curry as frank n furter gets me every time i watch rocky horror. i also have a great picture of brian molko in the bath smoking a huge cigar and wearing a cowboy hat. mmmm very sexy - oops did i say that out loud?!
(Tue 7th Feb 2006, 18:12, More)
guys in make up
tim curry as frank n furter gets me every time i watch rocky horror. i also have a great picture of brian molko in the bath smoking a huge cigar and wearing a cowboy hat. mmmm very sexy - oops did i say that out loud?!
(Tue 7th Feb 2006, 18:12, More)
» Worst Nicknames Ever
After moving house...
When I was 10 I started a new school and was given my first nickname - 'firtree'. It sounds random but there is acutally a story behind it (created by my friend who has slightly twisted logic). My name is jen so my friend naturally assumed adding 'tree' to the end of my full name jennifer made sense, so I became 'jennyfirtree'. Unfortunately it has stuck (I am now 20) and it can be quite embarrassing trying to explain it, as this one friend is the only person who still uses the name. But I could never think of anything funny to call her...
(Thu 18th May 2006, 17:15, More)
After moving house...
When I was 10 I started a new school and was given my first nickname - 'firtree'. It sounds random but there is acutally a story behind it (created by my friend who has slightly twisted logic). My name is jen so my friend naturally assumed adding 'tree' to the end of my full name jennifer made sense, so I became 'jennyfirtree'. Unfortunately it has stuck (I am now 20) and it can be quite embarrassing trying to explain it, as this one friend is the only person who still uses the name. But I could never think of anything funny to call her...
(Thu 18th May 2006, 17:15, More)
» Missing body parts
Quite a few things
I've had 4 teeth removed just so I could wear a brace for 2 years - that was painful. I'm also missing the second toe on my left foot, they removed it when I was about 6 months old because it was too big and had no nail - freaky I know. Also had a lump on my left shin removed, just below my knee, looked like I had 2 knees and left a cool scar that I like to show off. The lump was just fatty stuff though, nothing interesting.
Also my dad took the end of his middle finger off at work, they managed to sew it back on and although this was about 20 years ago it still looks weird.
(Mon 5th Jun 2006, 2:32, More)
Quite a few things
I've had 4 teeth removed just so I could wear a brace for 2 years - that was painful. I'm also missing the second toe on my left foot, they removed it when I was about 6 months old because it was too big and had no nail - freaky I know. Also had a lump on my left shin removed, just below my knee, looked like I had 2 knees and left a cool scar that I like to show off. The lump was just fatty stuff though, nothing interesting.
Also my dad took the end of his middle finger off at work, they managed to sew it back on and although this was about 20 years ago it still looks weird.
(Mon 5th Jun 2006, 2:32, More)
» Insults
Farty Mcfart pants
Is what I called my boyfriend the other nite, I think u can guess why I called him that. The next day I called him snotty Mcsnot face, again for obvious reasons. He had man flu all week so I couldn't be too mean to him
Other good ones I like include knob jockey, butt monkey, arse bandit and r-tard (south park).
(Sun 7th Oct 2007, 17:57, More)
Farty Mcfart pants
Is what I called my boyfriend the other nite, I think u can guess why I called him that. The next day I called him snotty Mcsnot face, again for obvious reasons. He had man flu all week so I couldn't be too mean to him
Other good ones I like include knob jockey, butt monkey, arse bandit and r-tard (south park).
(Sun 7th Oct 2007, 17:57, More)
» Picky Eaters
Just remembered
a guy who lived in my flat in halls last year only ate ready meals on paper plates! He was clearly incapable of washing up. Also he rarely came out of his room and we think he had a microwave in his room coz we never saw any signs of him having prepared any food. He was weird. No idea what happened to him after the first year though.
(Fri 2nd Mar 2007, 16:44, More)
Just remembered
a guy who lived in my flat in halls last year only ate ready meals on paper plates! He was clearly incapable of washing up. Also he rarely came out of his room and we think he had a microwave in his room coz we never saw any signs of him having prepared any food. He was weird. No idea what happened to him after the first year though.
(Fri 2nd Mar 2007, 16:44, More)