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» My computer gave away my secrets
About 10 years ago...
...when I still stayed with my folks I used to use me Dad's PC to surf the web all day. (Cost him a fortune!)
So anyway, I had the usual stash of porn hidden away on his pooter, him being clueless there was never any chance of it being found. However my own stupidity was my undoing.
Ona afternoon I am snoozing in the living room when my Dad appears in the house with one of his friends, "I'm just boing to show B. something on the PC", says he.
Off the pair of them go to the study and I hear the sound of the pooter being fired up. A minute or so later my Dad shouts me through.
I enter the study, B. is grinning at me like a fool, and my Dad is death staring me big time. He points at the PC monitor. I look at it and see a picture of a girls face absolutely covered in jizz!
It seems I had turned off the pooter without shutting down whatever app. I had been using, it must have started up again when the PC came on.
Needless to say I turned beetroot, I stammered something about my mate emailing it to me that day, but I doubt either of them believed me. I still feel an idiot every time I see B. to this day!
(Fri 10th Feb 2006, 12:55, More)
About 10 years ago...
...when I still stayed with my folks I used to use me Dad's PC to surf the web all day. (Cost him a fortune!)
So anyway, I had the usual stash of porn hidden away on his pooter, him being clueless there was never any chance of it being found. However my own stupidity was my undoing.
Ona afternoon I am snoozing in the living room when my Dad appears in the house with one of his friends, "I'm just boing to show B. something on the PC", says he.
Off the pair of them go to the study and I hear the sound of the pooter being fired up. A minute or so later my Dad shouts me through.
I enter the study, B. is grinning at me like a fool, and my Dad is death staring me big time. He points at the PC monitor. I look at it and see a picture of a girls face absolutely covered in jizz!
It seems I had turned off the pooter without shutting down whatever app. I had been using, it must have started up again when the PC came on.
Needless to say I turned beetroot, I stammered something about my mate emailing it to me that day, but I doubt either of them believed me. I still feel an idiot every time I see B. to this day!
(Fri 10th Feb 2006, 12:55, More)