b3ta.com user babyatemydingo
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» The Worst Journey in the World

Seven Sisters? Pah!

The worst journey ever back from a night out has to be while at uni in Liverpool, me and a couple mates went to a DnB night in Manchester. Everything goes cracking and we roll out of the door at two ready to take a gentle stroll down the road to Picadilly station to catch the last train home.

We get there about half hour early and, starting to feel the effects of the alcohol/drugs combo feel a snooze coming on - well we wake up at exactly 20 seconds after the train has gone with some guard telling us that the next one isn't for a couple hours. "That's alright, I can have another rest". So there we are asleep in Manchester (a city I had been to only once previous - and I can say that some parts are worse than good ol' Seven Sisters...the word fetid comes to mind) when we are then told that in fact the next train back to Liverpool leaves in 20 minutes but from Victoria, a good half hour away.

After running, and coughing, our lungs up to get there, we are then told by another guard that the other guard was wrong and the next one didn't leave for at least two hours. So end up sitting there in the arctic north station.....falling asleep and missing the train again. Next one? Not for another hour and a half. I hate dawn sunlight - it makes my eyes bleed.

Sorry for length, but I'm excited about actually answering a qotw for once!
(Thu 7th Sep 2006, 21:55, More)