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» Lies I told on my CV
Non smoking and hobbies
In the early nineties I listed that I was a non smoker and some of my hobbies included socialising and music.
I was smoking 20 a day back then and the socialising was "going out on the piss every night and getting bladdered" and music was "Going to various clubs and Rave parties to the early hours at the weekends"
(Thu 6th Jul 2006, 16:12, More)
Non smoking and hobbies
In the early nineties I listed that I was a non smoker and some of my hobbies included socialising and music.
I was smoking 20 a day back then and the socialising was "going out on the piss every night and getting bladdered" and music was "Going to various clubs and Rave parties to the early hours at the weekends"
(Thu 6th Jul 2006, 16:12, More)