b3ta.com user tea_leaf_dancer
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Profile for tea_leaf_dancer:
Profile Info:


Vocalist & Guitarist for The Cool Things Fear



Recent front page messages:


Best answers to questions:

» Insults

Damn Kids
Four of us were sleeping in a camper van on the beach near cleveland and these kids tear past in their souped-up fiat punto or some other equally shite car when we just hear:


to this day, i still have absolutely no idea what it means, but i'm still pissed about it...
(Mon 8th Oct 2007, 12:31, More)

» Guilty Pleasures, part 2

where to begin?
Microwaveable kebabs.

I listen to Justin Timberlake but only on headphones and always make sure no-one else can see my Ipod at the time (My music taste normally great, I promise!)

Nose picking, then flicking at various targets across the room.

Squeezing my boyfriends blackheads, it's fascinating seeing all the weird kinds of shit that comes out of his skin.

Is it wrong that I still find him sexy afterwards?
(Sat 15th Mar 2008, 17:49, More)