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» Apparently I'm a sex offender
Not watching neighbours shag
Some time ago I lived in an attic flat in a house in Cardiff with 2 friends. We always lost the flat key and it was easy to get into our flat by using the fire escape and climbing through the kitchen window. One summer's day I hastily made my way up the fire escape only to stop on the 3rd floor landing to catch my breath. As I paused I happened to look through the big fire escape window to find the couple downstairs going at it a lot. At EXACTLY THE SAME SECOND naturally they looked around (I was blocking out the sunlight and their room had gone dark) to find me looking in. I waved my hands as a futile gesture to try and make them understand I wasn't watching them shag then ran away. I was young and very embarressed.
(Tue 22nd Aug 2006, 16:58, More)
Not watching neighbours shag
Some time ago I lived in an attic flat in a house in Cardiff with 2 friends. We always lost the flat key and it was easy to get into our flat by using the fire escape and climbing through the kitchen window. One summer's day I hastily made my way up the fire escape only to stop on the 3rd floor landing to catch my breath. As I paused I happened to look through the big fire escape window to find the couple downstairs going at it a lot. At EXACTLY THE SAME SECOND naturally they looked around (I was blocking out the sunlight and their room had gone dark) to find me looking in. I waved my hands as a futile gesture to try and make them understand I wasn't watching them shag then ran away. I was young and very embarressed.
(Tue 22nd Aug 2006, 16:58, More)