Profile for Shpadoinkle:
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- a member for 19 years, 1 month and 5 days
- has posted 22 messages on the main board
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- has posted 8 stories and 1 replies on question of the week
- They liked 130 pictures, 0 links, 0 talk posts, and 3 qotw answers.
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Recent front page messages:
Best answers to questions:
» Worst Nicknames Ever
keep it quick
Robert + is annoying = Knobert
(Fri 19th May 2006, 21:25, More)
keep it quick
Robert + is annoying = Knobert
(Fri 19th May 2006, 21:25, More)
» Work Experience
slaughter house
a went in a boy, i came out a man.
and covered in the stuff that goes into chicken dippers.
(Thu 10th May 2007, 21:39, More)
slaughter house
a went in a boy, i came out a man.
and covered in the stuff that goes into chicken dippers.
(Thu 10th May 2007, 21:39, More)
» Crap meals out
short but sick
a couple of years ago, my family was on holliday and we dicided to visit this chippy. none of us liking fish that much, we all ordered chicken & chips. now im not an avian expert but im pretty sure chiken isnt pastel green. To cutt a short story shorter, we had them inspected and it turned out that chiken turnes green when brused. thats four respectable portions of chicken all brused. wonder what happened to it...
(Thu 27th Apr 2006, 19:55, More)
short but sick
a couple of years ago, my family was on holliday and we dicided to visit this chippy. none of us liking fish that much, we all ordered chicken & chips. now im not an avian expert but im pretty sure chiken isnt pastel green. To cutt a short story shorter, we had them inspected and it turned out that chiken turnes green when brused. thats four respectable portions of chicken all brused. wonder what happened to it...
(Thu 27th Apr 2006, 19:55, More)
» Worst Nicknames Ever
a mate of mine
is known as Davidnathennormanjordanlawsgeorgejordan.
can't remember why
(Sat 20th May 2006, 13:29, More)
a mate of mine
is known as Davidnathennormanjordanlawsgeorgejordan.
can't remember why
(Sat 20th May 2006, 13:29, More)