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» Spoilt Brats
airline pilot
A guy on my course decided to turn up to his first day on his type rating course (biiiiig day) wearing jeans and shirt he had dug out of his wardrobe 10 mins earlier.
When the training captain asked why he wasnt in uniform, turns out his mummey hadnt packed his trousers.
This guy is going to be in charge of 200 passengers, but cant even dress himself...
(Tue 14th Oct 2008, 22:56, More)
airline pilot
A guy on my course decided to turn up to his first day on his type rating course (biiiiig day) wearing jeans and shirt he had dug out of his wardrobe 10 mins earlier.
When the training captain asked why he wasnt in uniform, turns out his mummey hadnt packed his trousers.
This guy is going to be in charge of 200 passengers, but cant even dress himself...
(Tue 14th Oct 2008, 22:56, More)