b3ta.com user chapperz
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» Oldies vs Computers

I'm Good With Computers, Me...
...and am usually the person who goes here, there and everywhere fixing family & friends PCs. It pays not to know about computers sometimes.

Anyway, to the story.

I decided to go wireless so bought a Router & card from Tesco, easy setup I thought, 15-20 mins, ding dang doo!

You know those plastic "blister packs" stuff like that comes in? Damn hard to cut through sometimes. Even harder when in a f*ckwitted moment you don't realise that you're cutting through the installation CD as well.

Cue wife moaning about waste of money, you can't take it back etc.

Only one thing to do then - cue me eating humble pie as I phoned the tech support line to see if any way of setting up as I'd just cut through my installation CD. And this was around ooh, 9pm at night ot so. Joking aside for one moment, Linksys - you were fantastic. You even tried to stifle your mirth, which I respect. Personally I would have pissed myself.

Strangely enough, I'm a lot more careful now when cutting is involved - but in my defence m'lud, you couldn't see there was a CD in there, honestly...
(Sat 23rd Sep 2006, 22:30, More)