b3ta.com user duchats
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» I hurt my rude bits

Hey....what is this!
Last year, i had the misfortune to endure the worst rugby injury in my rather stunted career. A fracas had erupted with the poepoe’s in the front row. Ref calls the offending players over, and being the captain I was summoned to. The opposition nutter decides to argue his point via the medium of a head butt to our player! Ouch. As the whole field stops in amazement at this development, I though I would take action (I though a good telling off was in order). Before I could move closer, the sod decided to try his best Bruce lee impersonation and did a side kick right into my ‘wee chap’, sending me down quicker than a $2 hooker. 2 mintues to breath again, and 10 before on feet!

Took me about 2 weeks before any hand to gland combat was resumed! It looks rather funny when its bruised!
(Fri 14th Jul 2006, 16:42, More)