Profile for waspinagermanhelmet:
live long die oblong
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live long die oblong
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» Heckles
Crap comedian
I was once at a Valentines night thing at Jollies in Stoke with my wife (then Fiance) There was a crap comedian as part of the entertainment who was in the process of telling the - The Bin man came to my house and said "Where's ya bin?.." I shouted out "Wheres ya Wheelie bin" before he even got to the first part of the punchline and completley ruined the flow of his act.. he couldn't recover..and promptly died.
(Tue 11th Apr 2006, 10:16, More)
Crap comedian
I was once at a Valentines night thing at Jollies in Stoke with my wife (then Fiance) There was a crap comedian as part of the entertainment who was in the process of telling the - The Bin man came to my house and said "Where's ya bin?.." I shouted out "Wheres ya Wheelie bin" before he even got to the first part of the punchline and completley ruined the flow of his act.. he couldn't recover..and promptly died.
(Tue 11th Apr 2006, 10:16, More)