b3ta.com user pixiebelle
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Best answers to questions:

» Best Graffiti Ever

Warning Sign
On a gate saying Beware Of The Dog. Someone had written underneath - He is very sarcastic. Still makes me laugh
(Sun 6th May 2007, 22:15, More)

» The most cash I've ever carried

I think it was around a hundred thousand dollars
Spent that on a meal in a restaurant for four people just over two years ago.......we are talking about good old Zimbabwe.

I believe you can't buy a meal there now for one person for less than a million dollars........inflation is a bitch!!
(Sun 25th Jun 2006, 21:17, More)

» Worst Nicknames Ever

skeletor or spider
due to me being a thin, bony child.
(Thu 18th May 2006, 19:45, More)