b3ta.com user JohnnyCash
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» Teenage Parties

is it just me,
or is disasterprone not living up to his self billing?

At one of my mate's 21st bday party (most folks there were 18/19), gave my mate Graham some* whisky (laphroaig if any of you are familiar with it)

*some=pint glass full

after much persuasion he downs it-right on top of the 2 bottles of beer and GLASS of MILK he'd had previously...obv this is not condusive to goodly health in the belly department.

A chunderfest ensued, involving him calling to ralph out my mates bathroom window-directly onto the pot smoking younger sister of said mate.

suffice to say, several jokes about "what conditioner do you use lindsay" ensued.

Whilst said mate was barfing-me and thomas were standing in the same room-drinking pints of self same boozery. Much to our amusement, the smell just kept setting him off-til such times as bile was observed.

ahh the joys!

girth?too big to comprehend
length?cant see the end to measure

cherry poppeed off of cake now
(Thu 13th Apr 2006, 10:47, More)

» My Greatest Regrets

It only happened on Friday there...

Was heading to meet a potential girl, and had 5 mins to spare, so I popped into the Local FOPP store to see what goodies I could Aquire for my 5 sheckels.

Came out the store, and dropped £5 note, but didnt notice,

Stunning Skandinavian chick comes up to me, and says in perfect english " you have dropped money"

I caught her eye and was captivated, got my £5 note and went on my way.

OH HOW I WISH I'd Taken her for a drink instead of getting myself into this "will she wont she" situ. (not all her fault by the way!)

god, why dont I make an effort sometimes
(Mon 9th Oct 2006, 20:58, More)