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Recent front page messages:
Best answers to questions:
» Apparently I'm a sex offender
When I was in my teens I was sitting on the bus and it pulled in to let new passengers on. A woman in her late thirties got on the bus and went to sit down next to me. As she sat down she clocked my crotch and a look of absolute horror burst across her face. She though I was sitting on the bus with a raging boner, but it was just the curves my tight jeans made as I was sitting down.
(Fri 18th Aug 2006, 1:35, More)
When I was in my teens I was sitting on the bus and it pulled in to let new passengers on. A woman in her late thirties got on the bus and went to sit down next to me. As she sat down she clocked my crotch and a look of absolute horror burst across her face. She though I was sitting on the bus with a raging boner, but it was just the curves my tight jeans made as I was sitting down.
(Fri 18th Aug 2006, 1:35, More)
» Oldies vs Computers
More supidity from the guy who believed that typing in "self destruct" blows up an Apple Mac
Using his new PC, and despite him using computers for years, he was under the impression that you could turn a BAT file into a fully working EXE by changing the file extension.
(Wed 27th Sep 2006, 19:02, More)
More supidity from the guy who believed that typing in "self destruct" blows up an Apple Mac
Using his new PC, and despite him using computers for years, he was under the impression that you could turn a BAT file into a fully working EXE by changing the file extension.
(Wed 27th Sep 2006, 19:02, More)
» Oldies vs Computers
Work related incidents
The ops manager where I used to work called me into the sales office because the monitor on one of the computers didn't work. So I plugged it in. Unrelatedly, I later walked into his office and up to his desk where I found he was looking flustered and clicking away furiously. He was only looking at clothed pics of Emmanuelle Beart, nothing to get upset about. Although his parents owned the company so he probably thought I'd tell em, as if. His dad was a prick, though.
Fucking idiot who I worked with in the same company once spent a day trying to fix the server (we had no IT dept), when I managed to sort the same problem out within minutes last time the server went kaput (ie. the hard drives ran out of space). But did the proud cunt accept my offer of help? Did he fuck. Eventually I took a ganders and found out that he'd managed to turn off the big black power supply box that keeps the server running. Way to go. Then I deleted all the unneccesary files on all the network computers and hey presto! It worked again.
(Wed 27th Sep 2006, 17:04, More)
Work related incidents
The ops manager where I used to work called me into the sales office because the monitor on one of the computers didn't work. So I plugged it in. Unrelatedly, I later walked into his office and up to his desk where I found he was looking flustered and clicking away furiously. He was only looking at clothed pics of Emmanuelle Beart, nothing to get upset about. Although his parents owned the company so he probably thought I'd tell em, as if. His dad was a prick, though.
Fucking idiot who I worked with in the same company once spent a day trying to fix the server (we had no IT dept), when I managed to sort the same problem out within minutes last time the server went kaput (ie. the hard drives ran out of space). But did the proud cunt accept my offer of help? Did he fuck. Eventually I took a ganders and found out that he'd managed to turn off the big black power supply box that keeps the server running. Way to go. Then I deleted all the unneccesary files on all the network computers and hey presto! It worked again.
(Wed 27th Sep 2006, 17:04, More)
» Oldies vs Computers
Self destruction
Back when I was 15 a friend bought a PC and this was back in the daze when DOS loaded up first.
After faffing about on it for a while, I typed in "self destruct", and up came the expected error message. "Damn, it works on the Mac" quoth I.
"Does it?" says my mate earnestly, with a shocked look on his face.
The guy now works in IT. He probably got his degree doing what he did in college: nicking his code from other people.
(Wed 27th Sep 2006, 16:51, More)
Self destruction
Back when I was 15 a friend bought a PC and this was back in the daze when DOS loaded up first.
After faffing about on it for a while, I typed in "self destruct", and up came the expected error message. "Damn, it works on the Mac" quoth I.
"Does it?" says my mate earnestly, with a shocked look on his face.
The guy now works in IT. He probably got his degree doing what he did in college: nicking his code from other people.
(Wed 27th Sep 2006, 16:51, More)
» Unexpected Good Fortune
Cash machine antics
I went to the cash machine near where I live at about 10pm on a Friday night, in order to procure some substances for myself a mate who was going back to Poland the next week. Now, usually the petrol station would be quite busy at this time, but there was nobody there. Walking up to the cash machine, I saw some money sticking out, so I had a look round - still deserted, so I then put it in my left hand as serruptitiously as I could.
After withdrawing £30 for myself, I walked off and checked my wad. £100 - get in!
(Sat 16th Sep 2006, 16:34, More)
Cash machine antics
I went to the cash machine near where I live at about 10pm on a Friday night, in order to procure some substances for myself a mate who was going back to Poland the next week. Now, usually the petrol station would be quite busy at this time, but there was nobody there. Walking up to the cash machine, I saw some money sticking out, so I had a look round - still deserted, so I then put it in my left hand as serruptitiously as I could.
After withdrawing £30 for myself, I walked off and checked my wad. £100 - get in!
(Sat 16th Sep 2006, 16:34, More)