b3ta.com user Skidrow
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» Best Graffiti Ever

Two bits
As a young child driving down to visit relatives in deepest darkest Devon it was always a high point of the journey to spot the 'watch out for cows' sign that had been turned into the picture of a Woolly Mammoth.

Sadly the sign is no longer there but it is one of my aims to recreate the same graffiti - ensuring that I am in the same state of mind as the Devonian that created it probably was.

My folks live in the south of France - lucky in some ways unlucky in others. In one of the nearby supermarket toilets scrawled on the back of the door to the Gents ‘hole in the ground’, among all the usual smut (you know Jean-Pierre takes it up le arse etc) is written in a very English style “HELLO FROGGIES!” For some reason I find this to be wonderfully amusing...as does my Dad. Simple creatures me and my Dad.
(Tue 8th May 2007, 15:13, More)