b3ta.com user Astrolabe
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» Amazing displays of ignorance

Future of America
Ahhh, here I am in the summer of my youth...actually more like fall...whatever..I am studying to be a teacher of elementary school, and as most teachers do here in the United States, we teach about the Revolutionary War. Because I am in teacher school, we tend to have a lot of discussions about how to go about teaching the subject of war... yada yada, yada..Unfortunately, not everyone is quite attuned to the same frequency as the rest of us. One of my classmates (adult, mind you) asked, quite sincerely, "Who won the Revolution? The North, or the South?"
................. Long slave story short, the Civil War was slightly different than the Revolution, and didn't involve our friends over yonder in Britain in quite the same way. This is common knowledge, but for teachers, such as my colleague, this is stuff left to the professionals, so let's keep it that way. BLESS!
(Sun 21st Mar 2010, 8:45, More)