b3ta.com user Your watch is
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Profile Info:

I have had many names. Some have known me as Spottedbeetle or HMS Spottedbeetle, some others have met me as etc. 29 year old young, researcher from Switzerland living in Germany

I can whistlehum and I'm learning the harmonica. Ask my neighbours for more info on concert times and progress

All b3ta and no work make Your watch is an unemployed boy All b3ta and no work make Your watch is an unemployed boy All b3ta and no work make Your wtch is an unemployed boy All b3ta and no work make Yoar watch is an unemplyeod boy All b3ta and no work make Your watch is n unemployed boy All b3ta and no work make Your watch is an unemployed boi All b3ta and no works make Your watch is an unemployed boy

All b4ta and no work make Your watch is an unemployed boy All b3ta and no work make Your watch is an unemployed boy All b3ta and no work make Your watch is a unemployed boy All b3ta and no work make Your waatch is an unemployed boy Alk b3ta and no work rake Your watch is an unemployed boy All b3ta and no work make Your watc is an unemployed boy All b3ta and no work mkae Your watch is an unemployed boy All b3at and no work make Your watch is an unemployed boy All b3ta and on work make Your watch is an unemployed boy All b3ta adn no work make Your watch is an unemployed boy All b3ta and no work make Your watch is an unemployed boy All b3ta and no work make Your watch is an unemployed boy

If you seek enlightment and want to contact me to get none, my email is aspottedbeetle AT gmail DOT com

Here is some stuff I did. I mostly use Gimp (except to compose animations for which I use ImageReady)

Recent front page messages:

First post!

I am sorry! I am teh n00b! LOL!
(Tue 25th Apr 2006, 10:15, More)

Best answers to questions:

» Ignoring Instructions

You know
these fancy, new tupperware-like containers which can go directly from the freezer to the oven (yep. Normal oven, not the microvawe).
Unfortunately, they look a lot like the older ones, which I used to freeze the home made lasagna leftovers.
So, when I convinced my flatmate that "yes. I'm sure is one of this new-tupperware like containers which can go directly in the oven. I just saw them on sale today", I really believed it.
Thank to my flatmate's skepticism, who checked the oven after 5 minutes, we could rescue the poor lasagna from a lake of molten plastic.
(Tue 9th May 2006, 21:17, More)

» Insults

nitpicky twunt

(Thu 4th Oct 2007, 16:05, More)

» Insults

complacent ass

(Thu 4th Oct 2007, 15:57, More)

» Insults


(Thu 4th Oct 2007, 15:30, More)

» Best Graffiti Ever

Romanes eunt domus
on a wall in Zurich
(Wed 9th May 2007, 15:27, More)
[read all their answers]