Profile for Tiny T:
Heylow loverly B3tans! I’m Tali and I’m small (geddit? Tiny cos I’m small and T cos of my name! oh verryy clevey of me!)

Iwork drink tea with a bunch of old folk...they call it 'help the aged' but really i'm an engineer! a tiny female engineer! one day i'll get a pic of me in my oversized overalls...
I tend to lurk as I can’t draw or animate to save my life! plus i'm very very lazy.
CDC - Crudly Drawn Cat

I gots me a Myspace and a Deviantart thingy that i never use any more
And you can email/MSN me if you really wanna... xxtalixx AT hotmail DOT co DOT uk yay!!
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Heylow loverly B3tans! I’m Tali and I’m small (geddit? Tiny cos I’m small and T cos of my name! oh verryy clevey of me!)

I tend to lurk as I can’t draw or animate to save my life! plus i'm very very lazy.
CDC - Crudly Drawn Cat

I gots me a Myspace and a Deviantart thingy that i never use any more
And you can email/MSN me if you really wanna... xxtalixx AT hotmail DOT co DOT uk yay!!
Recent front page messages:
Best answers to questions:
» Apparently I'm a sex offender
my poor boyfriend gets told he is a perv when he is with me
I'm 16 he is 15 but i look alot younger than him and this seems to confuze people
Example 1
We were on a bus and, as you, do we were having a bit of a snog. All of a sudden we hear alot of tutting so we stop and i look round. Behind us were a bunch of chavs. The most dykest girl there yells to my boyfriend "you're gonna go to jail for what your doin'!" one of the others yelled " yeh poor girl must only be bout 9 and what are you? 18??"
we just laughed and got off the bus. I've seen these kids around alot and i know for a fact that most of them have ASBOs and such.
Examle 2
We were on a train, only ones in the carrage, having a bit of fun (i sound like i have a bit of a public transport fetish - I dont I swear) The train pulled into the last staion and a bunch of people got on and just stood staring! Some woman was really laying in to my boyfriend saying she was going to call the police as it was rape blah blah it took ages to get it into her haed that I'm acctually older than him!
(Fri 18th Aug 2006, 22:21, More)
my poor boyfriend gets told he is a perv when he is with me
I'm 16 he is 15 but i look alot younger than him and this seems to confuze people
Example 1
We were on a bus and, as you, do we were having a bit of a snog. All of a sudden we hear alot of tutting so we stop and i look round. Behind us were a bunch of chavs. The most dykest girl there yells to my boyfriend "you're gonna go to jail for what your doin'!" one of the others yelled " yeh poor girl must only be bout 9 and what are you? 18??"
we just laughed and got off the bus. I've seen these kids around alot and i know for a fact that most of them have ASBOs and such.
Examle 2
We were on a train, only ones in the carrage, having a bit of fun (i sound like i have a bit of a public transport fetish - I dont I swear) The train pulled into the last staion and a bunch of people got on and just stood staring! Some woman was really laying in to my boyfriend saying she was going to call the police as it was rape blah blah it took ages to get it into her haed that I'm acctually older than him!
(Fri 18th Aug 2006, 22:21, More)
» Worst Nicknames Ever
I went to Devon with my school for a week
my mother decided to buy me awonderfull bright pink coat because it was cold my other one was 'too nice to get dirty'.
It's awfull on its on but then add a pair of proper combat trousers and boots (I'm in the ATC and them trousers are very comfey)
"army barbie" was born
It was horrible. They still call me that. I hate it
I burnt the pink 'thing' a few weeks later but it still haunts me
(Thu 18th May 2006, 19:41, More)
I went to Devon with my school for a week
my mother decided to buy me a
It's awfull on its on but then add a pair of proper combat trousers and boots (I'm in the ATC and them trousers are very comfey)
"army barbie" was born
It was horrible. They still call me that. I hate it
I burnt the pink 'thing' a few weeks later but it still haunts me
(Thu 18th May 2006, 19:41, More)
» The Dirty Secrets of Your Trade
I'm a engineer me
which means i drink alot of tea all day and thats about it.
its not a secret but there ya go...
(Wed 3rd Oct 2007, 16:31, More)
I'm a engineer me
which means i drink alot of tea all day and thats about it.
its not a secret but there ya go...
(Wed 3rd Oct 2007, 16:31, More)