b3ta.com user DeepBlueMax
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» Worst Nicknames Ever

Minty was one of the geography teachers at the comp I went to (erm...twagged to smurk tabs and drink harp lager in the park) His name was Minty cos he were called Robert (u work it out..) thats not very interestin, what was, was that he was done for cottaging. Oh my, how we laughed at him ... old bugger (lit.) got his own back on me tho... thumped me one while i was havin a fag (a ciggie, not his besty) waiting outside the exam hall before me maths A level. He wore patches on the elbows of his tweed jacket .. always a sign (of a geography teacher) that is.
(Sun 21st May 2006, 23:39, More)