b3ta.com user Don~Q12543b
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» When were you last really scared?

wheel of certain death
One beautiful day, me I am off to get some ciggies, walking along the pavement, road on the right, open grass park on the other, I hear a clang behind me followed by a scrapping noise of metal against 'tarmac', I turn around a few seconds later and there is a fairly dodgy looking ford going along the road fairly fast but slowing quickly, sparks flying from its back axel without a back lefthand wheel, racing towards me and overtaking the car was the wheel, I did not have time to react, it literally sailed past me with a foot clearance and raced off across the grass about 100meters till it met with a hedge.

I just carried on walking in shock.
(Tue 27th Feb 2007, 21:56, More)