b3ta.com user Zzzzzzz
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Profile for Zzzzzzz:
Profile Info:

I'm American and mostly proud of it.

Your Penis Name Is...

Phantom Lord of Ultimate Darkness

Penis Name Generator

What Pulp Fiction Character Are You?

You talk fast, you think fast, you act fast. Stop. Calm Down. Drink some decaf and go back to hitting up liquor stores.

Take the What Pulp Fiction Character Are You? quiz.

Recent front page messages:


Best answers to questions:

» Never Meet Your Heroes

Missing mouse
When I was five Mickey Mouse came to our small town. I was so eager to meet him that my mum and I waited in line for thirty minutes to get to him. Then, when we were almost to him, a woman came up and said "Mickey has to take a cheese break, he'll be back in a few minutes". My loving mother and I waited almost an hour but he never came back. :(
(Thu 25th May 2006, 22:02, More)