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Recent front page messages:
Best answers to questions:
» Terrible Parenting
Bad Aunty Dingo
I was at a theme park on a day out with my brother, sister-in-law and their young kids, and my niece was fascinated by the water rides, as all kids seem to be.
So naturally, me being the cool aunty, I took her to stand on the bridge over the ride where spectators can get nicely splashed as the ride comes out of the chute and sends a wave of water up. The wave when we were stood there was the biggest one I'd ever seen come up, and we both got drenched. There was me, a little shocked, trying to laugh and make her laugh, she turned around dripping wet, looked at me laughing at her, and slapped me right across the face! She was 4!
My brother and sister-in-law were peeing themselves laughing, but all the other parental types stood around the bridge awww-ing and coming forward with suggestions like *poor dear, put her in the dryer!*
I could feel the scorn.
Fortunately my brother found it funny!
Length? About 12 foot high at the peak
(Fri 17th Aug 2007, 15:51, More)
Bad Aunty Dingo
I was at a theme park on a day out with my brother, sister-in-law and their young kids, and my niece was fascinated by the water rides, as all kids seem to be.
So naturally, me being the cool aunty, I took her to stand on the bridge over the ride where spectators can get nicely splashed as the ride comes out of the chute and sends a wave of water up. The wave when we were stood there was the biggest one I'd ever seen come up, and we both got drenched. There was me, a little shocked, trying to laugh and make her laugh, she turned around dripping wet, looked at me laughing at her, and slapped me right across the face! She was 4!
My brother and sister-in-law were peeing themselves laughing, but all the other parental types stood around the bridge awww-ing and coming forward with suggestions like *poor dear, put her in the dryer!*
I could feel the scorn.
Fortunately my brother found it funny!
Length? About 12 foot high at the peak
(Fri 17th Aug 2007, 15:51, More)
» Worst Nicknames Ever
a selection of random nicknames
At my job, at a student's union, we all have nicknames to use over the radio. Some of them have very interesting (and sometimes dodgy)stories behind them!
They include:
Teabag: first night of work he got told by some other stewards to go grab a cup of tea, and relax. The boss then gave him a b*llocking for sitting down whilst the others were working hard clearing up.
Date Rape: he was trying to help a girl having a bit of a domestic with her boyfriend. Date Rape would keep checking on her, eventually she got a bit scared of him and he replied with *look love, I'm not trying to date rape you or anything, just making sure you're ok!*
Nutf*ck: kept f*cking up the bolts that held railings together on a stage, requiring the use of an angle grinder after every shift to undo them.
Dingo (me): they linked my surname with the well-known australian beer...and dingoes are australian.
Wolfie: joined at the same time as me, got nicknamed after Dingo's sidekick in a cartoon.
Bert (shortened version of his own name), and another who joined at the same time was therefore named Ernie.
Gentle: ironic, seeing as he's huge.
Tarzan and Jane: two rather hefty American Footballers.
Scooby: because when he runs his legs go round fast like Scooby Doo's, and his body seems to stay still.
Bones: last name Jones
Mummy Lumb: last name Lumb
Others, to which I don't know the stories, include:
Fister, Butcher, Daps, Fifi, Frisbee, Kiss, Bully, Ballbag, Starburst, Pepe. There are others, but give me a moment to remember them! I'm new to this, after all!
(Tue 23rd May 2006, 14:28, More)
a selection of random nicknames
At my job, at a student's union, we all have nicknames to use over the radio. Some of them have very interesting (and sometimes dodgy)stories behind them!
They include:
Teabag: first night of work he got told by some other stewards to go grab a cup of tea, and relax. The boss then gave him a b*llocking for sitting down whilst the others were working hard clearing up.
Date Rape: he was trying to help a girl having a bit of a domestic with her boyfriend. Date Rape would keep checking on her, eventually she got a bit scared of him and he replied with *look love, I'm not trying to date rape you or anything, just making sure you're ok!*
Nutf*ck: kept f*cking up the bolts that held railings together on a stage, requiring the use of an angle grinder after every shift to undo them.
Dingo (me): they linked my surname with the well-known australian beer...and dingoes are australian.
Wolfie: joined at the same time as me, got nicknamed after Dingo's sidekick in a cartoon.
Bert (shortened version of his own name), and another who joined at the same time was therefore named Ernie.
Gentle: ironic, seeing as he's huge.
Tarzan and Jane: two rather hefty American Footballers.
Scooby: because when he runs his legs go round fast like Scooby Doo's, and his body seems to stay still.
Bones: last name Jones
Mummy Lumb: last name Lumb
Others, to which I don't know the stories, include:
Fister, Butcher, Daps, Fifi, Frisbee, Kiss, Bully, Ballbag, Starburst, Pepe. There are others, but give me a moment to remember them! I'm new to this, after all!
(Tue 23rd May 2006, 14:28, More)