Profile for King Baby Duck:
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- a member for 18 years, 9 months and 27 days
- has posted 520 messages on the main board
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- has posted 13 stories and 39 replies on question of the week
- They liked 172 pictures, 34 links, 440 talk posts, and 39 qotw answers.
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Recent front page messages:
Best answers to questions:
» Running away
I once ran away from home
and the whole scene unfolded in a complex yet comical manner.
(Sat 12th Aug 2006, 23:38, More)
I once ran away from home
and the whole scene unfolded in a complex yet comical manner.
(Sat 12th Aug 2006, 23:38, More)
» Terrible food
Germanic crap
A few years ago I was in a restaurant in Germany and ordered a sausage and chips (in german of course), so out it came.
The sausage was like a hot dog style one, and was about 90% water, just nasty!
But to top it off, it had apple sauce with it, and inside this sauce? yup you guessed it smarties.
What the fuck?!
(Thu 17th May 2007, 14:05, More)
Germanic crap
A few years ago I was in a restaurant in Germany and ordered a sausage and chips (in german of course), so out it came.
The sausage was like a hot dog style one, and was about 90% water, just nasty!
But to top it off, it had apple sauce with it, and inside this sauce? yup you guessed it smarties.
What the fuck?!
(Thu 17th May 2007, 14:05, More)
» Failed
Maths challenge
during my first year of gcse's (1 year ago) The school entered the top 60 people in the year for a nation wide(apparantly) 'maths challenge'.
Now this pissed my off becuase it took my out of time out of other lessons to prepare and do thre test(well, that mas me 'official excuse' I was just lazy to be honest).
So for the first section I worked out the answer and wrote down the wrong one on purpose(multiple choice) second section I just guessed every answer.
Result? day of answers being read out in front of the whole year (average 300) ben: 53/60 jane: 52/60..........ron: 14/60 tim 0/60! woohoo!
(Fri 5th Jan 2007, 17:18, More)
Maths challenge
during my first year of gcse's (1 year ago) The school entered the top 60 people in the year for a nation wide(apparantly) 'maths challenge'.
Now this pissed my off becuase it took my out of time out of other lessons to prepare and do thre test(well, that mas me 'official excuse' I was just lazy to be honest).
So for the first section I worked out the answer and wrote down the wrong one on purpose(multiple choice) second section I just guessed every answer.
Result? day of answers being read out in front of the whole year (average 300) ben: 53/60 jane: 52/60..........ron: 14/60 tim 0/60! woohoo!
(Fri 5th Jan 2007, 17:18, More)
» Why should you be fired from your job?
I won't name them because there are too many reasons for me to be fired
That and I don't have a job.
(Thu 9th Aug 2007, 21:58, More)
I won't name them because there are too many reasons for me to be fired
That and I don't have a job.
(Thu 9th Aug 2007, 21:58, More)
» And that's the thanks I got
I'm looking for a new mortgage
I went to lloyds tsb, and HSBC, those were all the banks I got.
(Wed 30th May 2007, 16:10, More)
I'm looking for a new mortgage
I went to lloyds tsb, and HSBC, those were all the banks I got.
(Wed 30th May 2007, 16:10, More)