b3ta.com user noelyboy
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» Terrible food

He liked it raw.....
I have a colleague/aquaintance who proudly boasted one day that as a schoolboy he would devour packets of back bacon on the way home from school. Not peculiar in the slightest you may argue but RAW!?! WTF?!?! RAW fecking bacon? Now I like a bit of the piggie like any subnormal and I'm no gastroentrologist (sic)but wouldn't this give birth to the biggest tapeworm on the planet?

Length: after raw bacon about 8 metres! Euugh!!!
(Fri 18th May 2007, 12:08, More)

» Beautiful but Bonkers

I see dead people....
Back in Uni I went out with a girl who claimed see could she her (long-time-dead) grandfather in her room when we were having sex. Hmmm... v. off-putting. She also had craven emotional instabilities: she only went out with me to piss off her best friend (who was an ex of mine...). Once when watching the movie Alien together she said Harry Dean Stanton was sending her telepathic messages. To top this, when I split up with her she was diagnosed with Schizophrenia six months later. Hmmm....
(Mon 20th Nov 2006, 12:08, More)