b3ta.com user poonugget
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» Shit Stories: Part Number Two

Range Rovers
Someone on our street has got one of those obscene Range Rover vogues, and keeps blocking the road when he dumps it by our house.

One night, a few beers later we decided that in the dark we would climb onto the bonnet only wearing our socks and do a nice ripe poo on the windscreen.

Suffice to say, curry and a low level of fibre in my diet left quite a nice surprise for him in the morning.
(Tue 1st Apr 2008, 16:18, More)

» Secret Santa

Bought a bottle of charddonay for my bitch of a boss
drank it, pissed into it, re-corked it, chilled it. It looked just like new!
(Wed 20th Dec 2006, 14:06, More)