b3ta.com user NC-17
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Profile for NC-17:
Profile Info:

Well, I guess im Cody. Um. Im probably the youngest B3ta user, ever. And I have awesome tshirts...?

I listen to good music

Tis a Microsoft version of myself.
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Recent front page messages:


Best answers to questions:

» The Weird Kid In Class

i liek this.
theres this kid in class named Cody. He sits around the room, while wearing a shirt from site named "b3ta".
hes a freak.
(Thu 25th Jan 2007, 3:15, More)

» I hurt my rude bits

why you should wear a cup while skateboarding.
It was a normal day at the skatepark with a few friends, drinking soda and skateboarding. My friend Nate said "Hey fag! I bet you couldnt boardslide* that rail!" (*boardslide is when you do a 90 degree turn onto a rail and slide on the bottom of your board) So, taking his challenge I called him a cunt and tried it. Now, the board snaps from under my feet and I fall right onto my crotch. Fall forward and break my nose. :X Yeah.
(Sun 16th Jul 2006, 3:29, More)