b3ta.com user RobfromLeeds
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» Mugged

A minot incident on a bus
Don't normally consider myself in danger of a mugging because of my size (16st) and certainly not in broad daylight on a packed bus but that's what happened.
Bus is full when I get on so am leaning against the luggage area. At the next stop two of your usual scumbags get up and pass me to leave the bus. On the way past the first one punches me in the stomach and grabs my Green Rider (leeds wkly bus ticket) out of my pocket while the second one rips the watch off my wrist. Luckily I manage to grab the second one by the neck as he tries to run out of the bus. He drops the watch and strangely the first one then gave me back my ticket in return for me not throttling his mate. They both therefore run off empty handed (although they wrecked my watch). Most annoying thing - not one person lifted a finger to help me - not the other people on the bus or the people queueing outside to get on! Barstewards!
(Tue 20th Jun 2006, 23:09, More)