b3ta.com user NoMorePirates
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Gasp. It's (insert reader's name here)!!! If you can read this, you're awesome. If you can't read this, than you're like me and can't read at all. I use magic to read stuff. Because I'm magical. Did I forget to say I was magical? I'm also a robotic pirate. From space. But I don't like to brag about it. Anyhoo, um... I forgot where I was going with this. Too hyper. Remember: Caffine is your friend... O-o-O-o-O Yes it is. I enjoy caffine. And shiny things. Shiny things are better than caffine though. But that's my opinion. You can have an opinion to, but the difference is that yours is going to be wrong. :D

I'm in 8th grade next year... what fun... Sixth graders are easily kickable... Bwahaha. Um... what else... I have a sprite comic. And I like words. Lots of words. Not talking nessesarily, but lots and lots and lots of words.

yes... this is #2... Not #1. The oppisite of #1. Or would that be 0? Math was never my thing...

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