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» Barred
a few years back i got thrown out of weatherspoons for smoking in the no-smoking bit... this in itself wasn't the whole reason behind being thrown out - it was more to do with the fact that i was repeatedly told by bar staff to put out my cigarette - which i dutifully did - only to light it back up again once they'd buggered off. clever eh? after several cycles of this, the bar staff appeared to run out of patience and a generously proportioned bouncer was summoned to dispense with me.
i was literally picked up, carried down the stairs and hurled onto the street - but not before shouting out at the top of my voice "MY LAWYER WILL HAVE A FIELD DAY!!" as i flew through the front door :-)
(Thu 31st Aug 2006, 15:28, More)
a few years back i got thrown out of weatherspoons for smoking in the no-smoking bit... this in itself wasn't the whole reason behind being thrown out - it was more to do with the fact that i was repeatedly told by bar staff to put out my cigarette - which i dutifully did - only to light it back up again once they'd buggered off. clever eh? after several cycles of this, the bar staff appeared to run out of patience and a generously proportioned bouncer was summoned to dispense with me.
i was literally picked up, carried down the stairs and hurled onto the street - but not before shouting out at the top of my voice "MY LAWYER WILL HAVE A FIELD DAY!!" as i flew through the front door :-)
(Thu 31st Aug 2006, 15:28, More)