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» Encounters with Royalty
Is very slanted towards English users me thinks.
My family had a run in with the Royals once. It ended in 800 years of oppression. Joke, I kid, I kid.
There is an event in Kerry (thats in Ireland - just in case), called Puc Fair, a festival involving all things Irish. At said festival, a King of the Fair is crowned. That King is a local goat. Who is placed on a pedastal in a cage to oversee all that lies before him. When he gets taken down he can often be quite dazed, and confused. I saw him once, wasn't very impressed. A boy shouted CUNT, The goat didn't seem to notice, but later the young lad was killed.
PENIS *pop*
(Thu 3rd Aug 2006, 15:36, More)
Is very slanted towards English users me thinks.
My family had a run in with the Royals once. It ended in 800 years of oppression. Joke, I kid, I kid.
There is an event in Kerry (thats in Ireland - just in case), called Puc Fair, a festival involving all things Irish. At said festival, a King of the Fair is crowned. That King is a local goat. Who is placed on a pedastal in a cage to oversee all that lies before him. When he gets taken down he can often be quite dazed, and confused. I saw him once, wasn't very impressed. A boy shouted CUNT, The goat didn't seem to notice, but later the young lad was killed.
PENIS *pop*
(Thu 3rd Aug 2006, 15:36, More)