b3ta.com user gothikpixie
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» DIY fashion

And she still thinks its cool....
A friend of mine likes Hello Kitty to the point of slight obsession. She is also a goth. We knew it was only a matter of time before we would be greeted by said friend wearing:
Pink DM's, black and neon pink pvc skirt, pink and white Hello Kitty corset, black and pink hair and the full black and white goth makeup.

It took her a while to realise why we were laughing so much
(Wed 30th Aug 2006, 16:21, More)

» Running away

When I was 8
I ran away from home with my dog, my mermaid barbie and a packet of skips.
I lived on a farm so I went and sat in the woods for a few hours. Then my dog went home. And I had eaten the skips so I was hungry. So I went home.

Turned out my mum hadnt noticed that I had even gone...
(Mon 14th Aug 2006, 18:50, More)