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» Unexpected Good Fortune
Pooh turns to woo
First post hooorah!!!
I was at a well known Scottish Music Festival with my lovely wife.
Being a particularly nice laydee she freaks out at the state of the toilets, piles of pooh, used tampons, condoms etc etc all very nice NOT.
However she almost wet her panties when she noticed a row of portaloos being cleaned before our very own eyes.
They clean the loos using a massive hoover type of contraption to suck up the 2 day old festival toilet water. The hose of the hoover snaked its way past us in the q to the bogs.
My missus gets to the front of the q turns round to me and says "That hose doesn't look safe" just as she closes the bog door behind her.
At the very moment her door closed the hose exploded covering me head to toe in 2 days of bog water..... :-(
Not all bad news though I sent my story to FHM and it was true story of the month and I won a £350 digital camera.
Woo Hoo
sorry for length hope you like it
(Fri 15th Sep 2006, 16:02, More)
Pooh turns to woo
First post hooorah!!!
I was at a well known Scottish Music Festival with my lovely wife.
Being a particularly nice laydee she freaks out at the state of the toilets, piles of pooh, used tampons, condoms etc etc all very nice NOT.
However she almost wet her panties when she noticed a row of portaloos being cleaned before our very own eyes.
They clean the loos using a massive hoover type of contraption to suck up the 2 day old festival toilet water. The hose of the hoover snaked its way past us in the q to the bogs.
My missus gets to the front of the q turns round to me and says "That hose doesn't look safe" just as she closes the bog door behind her.
At the very moment her door closed the hose exploded covering me head to toe in 2 days of bog water..... :-(
Not all bad news though I sent my story to FHM and it was true story of the month and I won a £350 digital camera.
Woo Hoo
sorry for length hope you like it
(Fri 15th Sep 2006, 16:02, More)