b3ta.com user monkeyfish
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» Running away

Crap escape attempts.
I used to work in a psychiatric secure unit. One time, some builders left a ladder lying around near one of the windows to one of the wards' smoke rooms. Unsurprisingly, somebody kicked in the window, and used the ladder to get over the fence and leg it. He got about half a mile up the road and decided to flag a car down to try and get a lift. Unfortunately for him, the car he flagged down was being driven by a member of staff, so he got carted straight back to the unit.

Another one was being taken to A&E as he had some sort of stomach complaint. As the ambulance he was being taken in pulled up at the entrance, he just announced "see ya lads, I'm off" and pegged it. They caught him about 10 minutes later sat round the other side of the hospital having a fag.
(Tue 15th Aug 2006, 16:37, More)