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Best answers to questions:
» The Worst Journey in the World
Nice little beach trip
Picture the scene, Essaouira, Morocco, beautiful place. Not much to do though so we all (6 ppl) decide to do the nice beach walk as recommended in the guest book, takes about 5 hours but there are a couple of little towns on the way to stop at. Why not. Take camel-backs with water, but decide not to take food as we can stop at the towns.
30 mins in, and one couple has to turn back due to one of them getting sand rash...hindsight says lucky cow.
Me, o/h and other couple decide to carry on.
Four hours in, no bloody little towns, no food, all knackered and wondering where the hell we were (no map due to instruction "just follow the beach"). See small dot on the horizon at the top of a large hill that looks like civilisation "woo-de-hoo" home, no, it's an abandoned bloody lighthouse. Four and a half hours of walking dressed for the beach (i.e. flipflops and ballet pumps), no clue where we were, no mobile signal. Crap.
Carry on walking in the same general direction which takes us across 30 foot sand dunes and dessert, in which I mean wasteland, rocky ground, couple of half dead shrubs, no wildlife apart from a few funny looking flies. Start to panic, just a little bit.
Another hour or so and several desert like hills later, we reach a crest and see, low and behold a REAL town! Well, I say see; we had to squint.
Down another hill we go and back onto the beach for another two hours of misery as we get blasted by sand (it’s not called Windy city Africa for nothing) and most of our skin is separated from legs (and other exposed body parts).
Get to the town seven and a half hours after departure to find out that we had walked over 20 miles.
Got a taxi back.
Apologies for length - it's nerves
(Mon 11th Sep 2006, 13:48, More)
Nice little beach trip
Picture the scene, Essaouira, Morocco, beautiful place. Not much to do though so we all (6 ppl) decide to do the nice beach walk as recommended in the guest book, takes about 5 hours but there are a couple of little towns on the way to stop at. Why not. Take camel-backs with water, but decide not to take food as we can stop at the towns.
30 mins in, and one couple has to turn back due to one of them getting sand rash...hindsight says lucky cow.
Me, o/h and other couple decide to carry on.
Four hours in, no bloody little towns, no food, all knackered and wondering where the hell we were (no map due to instruction "just follow the beach"). See small dot on the horizon at the top of a large hill that looks like civilisation "woo-de-hoo" home, no, it's an abandoned bloody lighthouse. Four and a half hours of walking dressed for the beach (i.e. flipflops and ballet pumps), no clue where we were, no mobile signal. Crap.
Carry on walking in the same general direction which takes us across 30 foot sand dunes and dessert, in which I mean wasteland, rocky ground, couple of half dead shrubs, no wildlife apart from a few funny looking flies. Start to panic, just a little bit.
Another hour or so and several desert like hills later, we reach a crest and see, low and behold a REAL town! Well, I say see; we had to squint.
Down another hill we go and back onto the beach for another two hours of misery as we get blasted by sand (it’s not called Windy city Africa for nothing) and most of our skin is separated from legs (and other exposed body parts).
Get to the town seven and a half hours after departure to find out that we had walked over 20 miles.
Got a taxi back.
Apologies for length - it's nerves
(Mon 11th Sep 2006, 13:48, More)
» Accidental animal cruelty
Cute little deformed fish fry
Just to set the scene, my o/h (lets call him Jordanis3r) has very selective hearing (although when boobs or computer is mentioned in a sentence (not in the same sentence), well would you look at that, he hears every word!).
So, we have some fish that have mated & we keep the 'fry' in a separate tank. A few of them are a little deformed (mouths the size of pin points, hump backs and the like) but they are cute little buggers and I will not feed them to the larger fish as suggested on some fish sites.
Anywho, one is looking a bit peaky so I decide to put him in a glass bowl so that I can have a closer look and keep an eye on him - 'Jordanis3r' says I, 'I have put the little fish in a bowl on the window to keep an eye on him'.
'Ok' replies Jordanis3r.
Fast forward a few hours:
Jordanis3r: 'is there anything else to go in the there a fish in that bowl on the window?...'
Emphasis on the 'was' - he had poured the cute little deformed fishy down the plug hole.
(Tue 11th Dec 2007, 16:43, More)
Cute little deformed fish fry
Just to set the scene, my o/h (lets call him Jordanis3r) has very selective hearing (although when boobs or computer is mentioned in a sentence (not in the same sentence), well would you look at that, he hears every word!).
So, we have some fish that have mated & we keep the 'fry' in a separate tank. A few of them are a little deformed (mouths the size of pin points, hump backs and the like) but they are cute little buggers and I will not feed them to the larger fish as suggested on some fish sites.
Anywho, one is looking a bit peaky so I decide to put him in a glass bowl so that I can have a closer look and keep an eye on him - 'Jordanis3r' says I, 'I have put the little fish in a bowl on the window to keep an eye on him'.
'Ok' replies Jordanis3r.
Fast forward a few hours:
Jordanis3r: 'is there anything else to go in the there a fish in that bowl on the window?...'
Emphasis on the 'was' - he had poured the cute little deformed fishy down the plug hole.
(Tue 11th Dec 2007, 16:43, More)
» Not Losing Your Virginity
I had a fumbling in a carnies van when the fair came to the scummy Manchester town where I lived - luckily as I was still quite young, I shite myself and did a runner, thank god! But oh, the shame!
(Tue 31st Oct 2006, 13:49, More)
I had a fumbling in a carnies van when the fair came to the scummy Manchester town where I lived - luckily as I was still quite young, I shite myself and did a runner, thank god! But oh, the shame!
(Tue 31st Oct 2006, 13:49, More)
» Pathological Liars
I never 'got'
When I was very young, my dad always used to tell me 'if you ask, you don't get' wasn't until I was in my late teens that I realised that wasn't the way the phrase went...and that I never 'got' anyway.
(Tue 4th Dec 2007, 14:24, More)
I never 'got'
When I was very young, my dad always used to tell me 'if you ask, you don't get' wasn't until I was in my late teens that I realised that wasn't the way the phrase went...and that I never 'got' anyway.
(Tue 4th Dec 2007, 14:24, More)