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» Where is the strangest place you have slept?
a few places i can think of
latest was at a party about 2 in the morning, the party was still going but i consumed the majority of the beer, some fat goth ladyfolk had already passed out on the floor after vomiting in the garden, so i decided she would provide sufficient warmth and slept nexto her.
another was in a pub in blackburn, i had been up all night the previous night, and had been drinking from about 1 or 2 in the afternoon, and when we went to the pub the second time i sat down, got a pint, drank that while listening to my friend telling a drunk off for singing as it wasnt karaoke night and then blacked out, i regained vision just after throwing up.
i fell asleep 98% of the time i stepped into a languages classroom, thus getting an F on my french gcse when i was still in school.
on a bus atleast once a week, ussually missing my stop by about 3 or 4 stops on my way to college.
and lastly, not a wierd place of sleeping but a wierd sleeping experience was my ex girlfriend trying to wake me up by tossing me off while other people sat on the sofa in the same room laughing at me. no alchohol was consumed in this event.
/edit, yays for first every post thing
(Thu 4th Jan 2007, 7:02, More)
a few places i can think of
latest was at a party about 2 in the morning, the party was still going but i consumed the majority of the beer, some fat goth ladyfolk had already passed out on the floor after vomiting in the garden, so i decided she would provide sufficient warmth and slept nexto her.
another was in a pub in blackburn, i had been up all night the previous night, and had been drinking from about 1 or 2 in the afternoon, and when we went to the pub the second time i sat down, got a pint, drank that while listening to my friend telling a drunk off for singing as it wasnt karaoke night and then blacked out, i regained vision just after throwing up.
i fell asleep 98% of the time i stepped into a languages classroom, thus getting an F on my french gcse when i was still in school.
on a bus atleast once a week, ussually missing my stop by about 3 or 4 stops on my way to college.
and lastly, not a wierd place of sleeping but a wierd sleeping experience was my ex girlfriend trying to wake me up by tossing me off while other people sat on the sofa in the same room laughing at me. no alchohol was consumed in this event.
/edit, yays for first every post thing
(Thu 4th Jan 2007, 7:02, More)