b3ta.com user fillyfogg22
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» Inappropriate crushes

Mmmm Professor Snape...
...is H O T! But the strange obessions don't end at him. I have also fancied, Alvin (from the Chipmunks), Leonardo (from the Nija Turtles), Peter Kay, James May, David Cameron, Billy Connelly....I NEED HELP!

p.s. Please note, though I may sound like a 45 year old housewife with an animation fettish, I am actually only a 21, with a slight cartoon horn!
(Mon 2nd Oct 2006, 16:21, More)

» Oldies vs Computers

My idiot mother
When we first got the internet at home, many moons ago, i decided to change the screensaver. Me being the little scamp that I was, I changed it so that it said 'This computer is about to shut down due to corrupt files...please stand back'. Genius, I hear you shout!

Any hoo I later had my mum screaming down the phone that our brand new computer had broken and where was the yellow pages so she could get the repair man out....doh!

Bloody idiot she still doesn't undersand that even if you have wireless you have to plug the PC in!
(Tue 26th Sep 2006, 19:43, More)