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Recent front page messages:
Best answers to questions:
» Not Losing Your Virginity
Not Losing
In the mid Nineties, I met a young lady who had recently moved in to our town.
She was very tiny with short black hair, and over several weeks we met in the pub several times a week, we'd play pool, talk and generally have a good time. I didn't think about her in any way other than that of a mate, as she had already told me that she was a lesbian getting over a failed previous relationship, and that she only liked men as friends.
One night I walked her back to her flat, she asked me in for a nightcap, inside she announced to me that she was in love with me and that she was giving up her lesbianism for her love of me, all this seemed a bit heavy, so I went to the bog to think this over a bit.
when I returned she was in her bed and requested that I joined her.
I threw off my clothes and jumped in beside her, after several minutes of foreplay she said lets get down to it for real.
I pulled back the bedclothes, positioned myself between her outstretched legs, and stared down at her gaping love tube only to see that she had a tattoo of a beer barrel just above her pubes. I don't like tattoos and my prick wilted at the sight, no matter what she did to me over the next couple of hours could coax him to rise again to the occasion.
It took me 4 more nights like that before the deed was completed, and we both lost our virginities, well at least I was her first man.
(Fri 27th Oct 2006, 15:14, More)
Not Losing
In the mid Nineties, I met a young lady who had recently moved in to our town.
She was very tiny with short black hair, and over several weeks we met in the pub several times a week, we'd play pool, talk and generally have a good time. I didn't think about her in any way other than that of a mate, as she had already told me that she was a lesbian getting over a failed previous relationship, and that she only liked men as friends.
One night I walked her back to her flat, she asked me in for a nightcap, inside she announced to me that she was in love with me and that she was giving up her lesbianism for her love of me, all this seemed a bit heavy, so I went to the bog to think this over a bit.
when I returned she was in her bed and requested that I joined her.
I threw off my clothes and jumped in beside her, after several minutes of foreplay she said lets get down to it for real.
I pulled back the bedclothes, positioned myself between her outstretched legs, and stared down at her gaping love tube only to see that she had a tattoo of a beer barrel just above her pubes. I don't like tattoos and my prick wilted at the sight, no matter what she did to me over the next couple of hours could coax him to rise again to the occasion.
It took me 4 more nights like that before the deed was completed, and we both lost our virginities, well at least I was her first man.
(Fri 27th Oct 2006, 15:14, More)
» Best Graffiti Ever
On Bridge over road entering Swansea
Caution Shell Suit Zone
(Mon 7th May 2007, 20:33, More)
On Bridge over road entering Swansea
Caution Shell Suit Zone
(Mon 7th May 2007, 20:33, More)
» Failed
failed a useless ancient language
I failed Latin at school, after deciding that it was a total waste of fucking time.
Only once has my 2 years of study of the language been useful , and that was in negligence law, another mind numbing course I had to take.
Rumex pro tractus.
(Sat 6th Jan 2007, 15:24, More)
failed a useless ancient language
I failed Latin at school, after deciding that it was a total waste of fucking time.
Only once has my 2 years of study of the language been useful , and that was in negligence law, another mind numbing course I had to take.
Rumex pro tractus.
(Sat 6th Jan 2007, 15:24, More)