b3ta.com user Just Me
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Profile for Just Me:
Profile Info:

Name: Unknown
Location: Someones house
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Music likes: Most things that don't offend my ears sorted!
Takes things as they come or cum.
Enjoys swear words and beating people.......
in video games! First person shooters PC, Steam. And sometimes my xbox 360 gets useage
Love men love women(especially the ladys) love games love cats love b3ta

And this be me.

Recent front page messages:


Best answers to questions:

» Sexism

Just do it!
Basically do what you are capable of regardless of gender. But I have to say I am good with a broomstick ;-).
(Mon 28th Dec 2009, 17:24, More)

» Vomit Pt2

I once went to a party
where most of the night I drank absynth.....(it was good against the cold of camping outside), well I polished off a nice bottle felt great passed out in a tent with my other half. Come morning I was throwing up everywhere, (outside so was all good), but I swear it could have lit up the place it was glowing green!!

sorry for lack of real funnys.

*Edited*: polished might be the wrong word, finished some absynth that i had drank some of might be appropriate
(Fri 8th Jan 2010, 11:20, More)