b3ta.com user nikki jameson
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» Inappropriate crushes

i should be shot...
Previous and some recent crushes include...
Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall
Morrissey - from the Smiths to present day which makes it inappropriate
Cameron Diaz - since The Mask to present day
Robin Williams - ROBIN not even ROBBIE. I think its coz he's funny. And even that I start to question.
Paul Robinson in Neighbours
Larry David
Evangeline Lilly (Kate from Lost)
Gordon Ramsay
Bradley Walsh
Seymour Skinner & Lionel Hutz the lawyer from the Simpsons
One of the blokes who played Dr Who that isnt Tom Baker.
Roger Daltrey
Eddie Izzard
Father Ted
Samantha from Sex and The City
Kelsey Grammer aka Frasier
Keith Floyd - coz he likes a good drink possibly...
Dale Winton...hmmm...
Sugar from the programme Sugar Rush
Johnny Allen from Eastenders
Michael Buerk - BBC newsreader

when I was younger I took a fancy to Inspector Gadget (the cartoon), Brian Connolly, Neil Buchananananan and a ginger bloke who got on my school bus.

I'm 22.
Fresh out of uni.
I have a serious problem.

Sorry for length but my psychiatrist is on holiday...
(Sun 1st Oct 2006, 23:26, More)