b3ta.com user chicken of the sea
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» Dentists

the butcher
A mate of a mate's brother is a dentist. not so long back after making a mess of his life by involving waaay too many women (easily done) he ended up in the middle of a messy divorce, facing financial ruin and the threat of never seeing his kids again. He didn't take well to this and often came to work in a, well, let's just say a 'bad mood'. The crescendo was reached when he chased a screaming teenage patient down the road shouting at her to 'get back in the chair! GET BACK IN THE CHAIR!'

Anyway, in true Northern style rather than pursue the matter through the proper channels, his patients gave him a kiss-of-death nickname which pretty much put him out of business.
What did they call him?

'The Butcher of Burnley'

I'd love to be able to say he's doing a roaring trade down the market selling chops and sossies to the unsuspecting public, but no. He's still pushing needles through gums and out the top of heads. :(
(Tue 7th Nov 2006, 15:03, More)