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» Work Experience
Loved my work experience
as a Physiotherapist's Assistant in a well known Sheffield hospital. Exercising with the out-patients on the biggest beach balls ever, warming my hands in the 'limb warming wax bath', playing in the hydrotherapy pool, weaving my own basket in Occupational Therapy, playing 'guess the stain' whilst cleaning wheelchairs, access to enough 'extra care' vasaline to keep my hand soft all day and spending the last day being 'potted up' in the plaster room to get all my mates to sign/draw on my arm when I got back to school. Jeez, I enjoyed being 15 years old!
(Mon 14th May 2007, 22:33, More)
Loved my work experience
as a Physiotherapist's Assistant in a well known Sheffield hospital. Exercising with the out-patients on the biggest beach balls ever, warming my hands in the 'limb warming wax bath', playing in the hydrotherapy pool, weaving my own basket in Occupational Therapy, playing 'guess the stain' whilst cleaning wheelchairs, access to enough 'extra care' vasaline to keep my hand soft all day and spending the last day being 'potted up' in the plaster room to get all my mates to sign/draw on my arm when I got back to school. Jeez, I enjoyed being 15 years old!
(Mon 14th May 2007, 22:33, More)