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Recent front page messages:
Best answers to questions:
» Best Graffiti Ever
I chuckled at some dirt writing on the back of a van today
which is the first time in about 10 years. "White with a hint of the A46"
The only other one I can remember finding funny was "I wish my wife was a dirty as this truck."
EDIT: Just remembered one from school days.. used to walk through some playing fields and one day along the very long wall in these fields, "Sophie, Will you marry me?" appeared. A week later.. "She said yes!" next to it. 6months or so down the line it had: "You cheating fucking whore" scrawled over the top of it. Handwriting looked the same, too.
(Sat 5th May 2007, 18:52, More)
I chuckled at some dirt writing on the back of a van today
which is the first time in about 10 years. "White with a hint of the A46"
The only other one I can remember finding funny was "I wish my wife was a dirty as this truck."
EDIT: Just remembered one from school days.. used to walk through some playing fields and one day along the very long wall in these fields, "Sophie, Will you marry me?" appeared. A week later.. "She said yes!" next to it. 6months or so down the line it had: "You cheating fucking whore" scrawled over the top of it. Handwriting looked the same, too.
(Sat 5th May 2007, 18:52, More)
» Other people's diaries
Finding a page dedicated to my dad...
but not in a good way, I was looking for a pic of the family crest and found an image from a page dedicated to how my dad is a cheating bastard.
That was a nice topic over sunday dinner.
(Mon 5th Feb 2007, 15:21, More)
Finding a page dedicated to my dad...
but not in a good way, I was looking for a pic of the family crest and found an image from a page dedicated to how my dad is a cheating bastard.
That was a nice topic over sunday dinner.
(Mon 5th Feb 2007, 15:21, More)
» Dentists
Hazsard signs...
Went to dentist for normal checkup, only difference being this was my first checkup in about 4 years. I'm the sort of person who doesn't use medical services unless it's like life threatening or something, ya see.
Anyway.. decided as I'm a smoker, they could do with a polish.. go in, not a huge wait which was a pleasant surprise, sit in chair, he goes round with that pick thing they use ripping half my gums out in the process (I could taste blood,) then gets the polishing thingy out and starts going methodically from tooth to tooth round the mouth, as they do.
Gets about half way round.. *crack* .. "oh shit."
"What's wrong."
"Erm.. I'm afraid I just broke one of your teeth.. are you in any pain?"
The twunt managed to break a rather large chunk off the top/back of my front tooth.. luckily (ha!) it was only a small breakage thus I was not in any pain, nor even discomfort.
He gave it a filling (which fell off within a week,) apologised profusely, I left an unhappy bunny.. on the way out I decided to write down the tits name for use in a complaint - the sign on the door:
"Dr Hazsard"
Next time I'll be looking out for Hazsard signs.
(Thu 2nd Nov 2006, 16:17, More)
Hazsard signs...
Went to dentist for normal checkup, only difference being this was my first checkup in about 4 years. I'm the sort of person who doesn't use medical services unless it's like life threatening or something, ya see.
Anyway.. decided as I'm a smoker, they could do with a polish.. go in, not a huge wait which was a pleasant surprise, sit in chair, he goes round with that pick thing they use ripping half my gums out in the process (I could taste blood,) then gets the polishing thingy out and starts going methodically from tooth to tooth round the mouth, as they do.
Gets about half way round.. *crack* .. "oh shit."
"What's wrong."
"Erm.. I'm afraid I just broke one of your teeth.. are you in any pain?"
The twunt managed to break a rather large chunk off the top/back of my front tooth.. luckily (ha!) it was only a small breakage thus I was not in any pain, nor even discomfort.
He gave it a filling (which fell off within a week,) apologised profusely, I left an unhappy bunny.. on the way out I decided to write down the tits name for use in a complaint - the sign on the door:
"Dr Hazsard"
Next time I'll be looking out for Hazsard signs.
(Thu 2nd Nov 2006, 16:17, More)
» Debt pron
Sex = debt.
At least when you go to the genre of gentlemens clubs I was led to one fateful night.
Utterly smashed due to a lockin mere minutes before arriving at said venue, I awoke in the morning with a brazillian godess by my side, in a hotel that took me 25mins to find the exit, and a bank account £1,700 lighter than it was 12 hours previously. I only had £200 in there to start with.
I don't deal with debt very well, thus I merely have a single current account, no credit cards and I most definitely don't do loans. Therefore I was in a state of panic for the next 6 months to clear that debt.
(Fri 24th Nov 2006, 12:29, More)
Sex = debt.
At least when you go to the genre of gentlemens clubs I was led to one fateful night.
Utterly smashed due to a lockin mere minutes before arriving at said venue, I awoke in the morning with a brazillian godess by my side, in a hotel that took me 25mins to find the exit, and a bank account £1,700 lighter than it was 12 hours previously. I only had £200 in there to start with.
I don't deal with debt very well, thus I merely have a single current account, no credit cards and I most definitely don't do loans. Therefore I was in a state of panic for the next 6 months to clear that debt.
(Fri 24th Nov 2006, 12:29, More)