Profile for Peter RICK:
Originally from Exeter now in the Big Smoke.
Employer: BBC

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- a member for 18 years, 5 months and 4 days
- has posted 72 messages on the main board
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- They liked 226 pictures, 1333 links, 0 talk posts, and 2 qotw answers. [RSS feed]
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Originally from Exeter now in the Big Smoke.
Employer: BBC

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Recent front page messages:
Best answers to questions:
» Worst Band Ever
Scouting For Twating Girls
Elvis isn't dead
Elvis isn't dead
Elvis isn't dead
cause I heard him on the radio
Oh my mistake Elvis can't be dead if you've just heard him on the radio...
You bunch of useless cocking cocks - cock off to cocksville cockachusetts!
(Sun 2nd Jan 2011, 17:08, More)
Scouting For Twating Girls
Elvis isn't dead
Elvis isn't dead
Elvis isn't dead
cause I heard him on the radio
Oh my mistake Elvis can't be dead if you've just heard him on the radio...
You bunch of useless cocking cocks - cock off to cocksville cockachusetts!
(Sun 2nd Jan 2011, 17:08, More)