Profile for jonbob:
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- a member for 18 years, 5 months and 10 days
- has posted 841 messages on the main board
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- has posted 9 stories and 21 replies on question of the week
- They liked 1212 pictures, 1649 links, 0 talk posts, and 18 qotw answers. [RSS feed]
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Recent front page messages:
Best answers to questions:
» How nerdy are you?
Unlike Douglas Adams (RIP),
I actually do make jokes in base-13.
God I hate being single
(Thu 6th Mar 2008, 22:54, More)
Unlike Douglas Adams (RIP),
I actually do make jokes in base-13.
God I hate being single
(Thu 6th Mar 2008, 22:54, More)
» Body Horror
I've just come back from a minor eye op.
For a while I've had a lump in the corner of my eyelid the size of a pea. After the hassle with the Clockwork Orange lid clamps and some anaesthetic that didn't quite work they managed to excise it. If anyone wants to see what they didn't manage to scoop out with those dinky little curettage spoons and has since oozed out onto the dressing do, please, let me know.
I asked for a black dressing - looking like a pirate would be no small comfort - but, alas, the NHS did not oblige.
(Thu 11th Jul 2013, 16:17, More)
I've just come back from a minor eye op.
For a while I've had a lump in the corner of my eyelid the size of a pea. After the hassle with the Clockwork Orange lid clamps and some anaesthetic that didn't quite work they managed to excise it. If anyone wants to see what they didn't manage to scoop out with those dinky little curettage spoons and has since oozed out onto the dressing do, please, let me know.
I asked for a black dressing - looking like a pirate would be no small comfort - but, alas, the NHS did not oblige.
(Thu 11th Jul 2013, 16:17, More)
» Hidden talents
I can read Klingon.
I can barely understand two words, so I'm not completely beyond hope. Still, seeing the bf's face light up when he opened his birthday card does make being a (near) complete saddo worthwhile if you ask me.
(Sun 20th Apr 2014, 22:32, More)
I can read Klingon.
I can barely understand two words, so I'm not completely beyond hope. Still, seeing the bf's face light up when he opened his birthday card does make being a (near) complete saddo worthwhile if you ask me.
(Sun 20th Apr 2014, 22:32, More)