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Best answers to questions:
» Stuff I've found
My excuse: I only get paid minimum wage
I work as a cleaner at the offices of a British airline. The rules say anything we find in the bins is ours, should we want it. Yes, I feel like a complete tramp for looking in bins, but people throw away perfectly good stuff, and it's a shame to waste it.
The usual suspects are mouse mats, pens and other stationary. There's also a tonne of small change (I've collected over £50 by now), USB pen drives (they really should format them), watches, clocks and even champagne.
My greatest find was a HP PDA (and charger) with a flat battery. Yep, they threw it away because they couldn't be arsed to charge it up. Now I can organise all the appointments I don't have!
Of course, the down side is I often find shit smeared over toilet walls. Lots of shit. As a cleaner, I often get looked at like I'm scum, but I know what these people really get up to.
My worst find so far: A used condom.
(Sat 8th Nov 2008, 18:24, More)
My excuse: I only get paid minimum wage
I work as a cleaner at the offices of a British airline. The rules say anything we find in the bins is ours, should we want it. Yes, I feel like a complete tramp for looking in bins, but people throw away perfectly good stuff, and it's a shame to waste it.
The usual suspects are mouse mats, pens and other stationary. There's also a tonne of small change (I've collected over £50 by now), USB pen drives (they really should format them), watches, clocks and even champagne.
My greatest find was a HP PDA (and charger) with a flat battery. Yep, they threw it away because they couldn't be arsed to charge it up. Now I can organise all the appointments I don't have!
Of course, the down side is I often find shit smeared over toilet walls. Lots of shit. As a cleaner, I often get looked at like I'm scum, but I know what these people really get up to.
My worst find so far: A used condom.
(Sat 8th Nov 2008, 18:24, More)
» My sex misconceptions
Once yearly, nearly
So many mistakes, so little time.
I thought that my first time having sex wouldn't be my last. I also thought it would be good. And that people have sex with you because they like you, not because their ex-boyfriend is next door and they want to make him feel bad. Live and learn, I suppose.
I also thought that having sex was pretty standard, and you couldn't really mess it up unless you stuck your knob in the belly button or something. Unfortunately my future wife has something called "vaginismus", which means she gets very tense and cries when my little fella gets within 10 miles of her lady bits. It's treatable, but it's not something I'd ever heard of.
It does mean we have a lot of oral sex though, so it's not all bad.
(Sat 27th Sep 2008, 19:13, More)
Once yearly, nearly
So many mistakes, so little time.
I thought that my first time having sex wouldn't be my last. I also thought it would be good. And that people have sex with you because they like you, not because their ex-boyfriend is next door and they want to make him feel bad. Live and learn, I suppose.
I also thought that having sex was pretty standard, and you couldn't really mess it up unless you stuck your knob in the belly button or something. Unfortunately my future wife has something called "vaginismus", which means she gets very tense and cries when my little fella gets within 10 miles of her lady bits. It's treatable, but it's not something I'd ever heard of.
It does mean we have a lot of oral sex though, so it's not all bad.
(Sat 27th Sep 2008, 19:13, More)
» School Trips
Why I don't drink spring water
The only school trip that stands out to me was a visit to the lake district when I was a young boy of 10.
There were many tales of interest, such as every single meal consisting primarily of onion, or "some kid"* crying/snotting into his tea, which he then drank, simply because he didn't like onion.
However, the one story that stands out was when we were hiking in the hills. We'd been gone a few hours, and most people were quite thirsty so they started filling up their bottles from a small stream.
Their thirst quenched, we continued upstream about 20 meters and marveled at nature's bounty. We were then greeted by the sight of a rotting sheep's carcass nestling in the clear, crisp water, its intestines showing for all the world to see.
That's what you get for bottling your own water.
* It wasn't me. Definitely not...
(Thu 7th Dec 2006, 15:27, More)
Why I don't drink spring water
The only school trip that stands out to me was a visit to the lake district when I was a young boy of 10.
There were many tales of interest, such as every single meal consisting primarily of onion, or "some kid"* crying/snotting into his tea, which he then drank, simply because he didn't like onion.
However, the one story that stands out was when we were hiking in the hills. We'd been gone a few hours, and most people were quite thirsty so they started filling up their bottles from a small stream.
Their thirst quenched, we continued upstream about 20 meters and marveled at nature's bounty. We were then greeted by the sight of a rotting sheep's carcass nestling in the clear, crisp water, its intestines showing for all the world to see.
That's what you get for bottling your own water.
* It wasn't me. Definitely not...
(Thu 7th Dec 2006, 15:27, More)