b3ta.com user paradox75
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» Pet Peeves

I cant fucking stand these filthy, rotten arseholes who just chuck litter on pavements, grass verges or anywhere. I think quite possibly the worst types are those who empty their cars of plastic packaging etc, straight out of the window in transit. fucking scum. whats wrong with waiting until you get home and then putting it were its supposed to be, not on the streets or in the countryside making the whole fucking place look like an eye-sore. Then there are those who throw litter on the ground whilst walking and there is a bin 50 yards away. For fucks sake. you really couldn't bare to hold on for another 2 minutes and put it in the bin???

Obviously these people have no respect for themselves and others and dont mind one little bit living in their own shit. They should be ashamed of themselves. I get sick and fucking tired seeing plastic and paper all over the fucking place. I think London is quite possibly is the filthiest city in Europe, from what ive seen. Roundabouts are simply covered in fast food containers with discarded "food" inside and probably as a result, huge colonies of rats nearby. I saw a HUGE rat the other day, i mean HUGE. The size you see in SE Asia. Happily going about its business, spraying its disease ridden piss everywhere. How fucking wonderful.

If you're one of these people who simply dont care about slinging crap all over the place, you're no worse than a stinking chav, please reconsider in future. Many thanks.

P.S. The constant use of expletives are useful for getting my anger across to the reader. I hope the reader is not as offended about this as i am about the filthy cunts who litter all the time. Who's with me???
(Wed 7th May 2008, 14:19, More)

» My first experience of porn

I must have been about 8
When i found my first "gentlemens magazine". I remember being at the bottom of the school playing field with a load of mates, probably playing armies with sticks or something. Someone found a battered and torn conspicuous magazine with naked people in it.

It was a hardcore mag of the eightees. This means that there were pictures of orgies (shot in a rather strange yellowish light i seem to remember), men sporting huge erections and ladies doing strange things with them, like licking them or putting them between their legs. I distinctly remember though, that there was a red dot whenever there was penetration of any kind. Just like Bill Hicks decribed it.

We just sat there mesmerized wondering:

If our willies would get that size when we grew up and why the naked ladies were putting the mens willies in their their mouths and in their "pee-holes".

We just did not understand. Next year we were to have sex education and we still didnt properly understand...the teacher was rather coy about telling us that: "The man needs to put his willy up the ladies pee-hole to make babies"

But in the mouth???? Imagine the confusion...
(Fri 26th Jan 2007, 10:59, More)