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» Going Too Far
Football Folly
Only last year, I, and a group of mates were playing football during the usual school break-time brutally out-playing the opponents of the hour quite brilliantly with yours truly manning the goal-line.
All was well until some little scally kid decided to continuously shout profanities at one of my mates because one of his shots (which you wouldn't like to get in the way of) literally floored one of the lads on the opposing team. Now, my mate is quite a big, stocky fella who doesn't take kindly to verbal abuse. Of course, he decided to do the best thing at that time and ignore the shallow threats.
Until, of course, the scally decided to spit on him. Well, this did get his attention and the next thing I heard....
BANG! Although, not witnessing the full extent of what had happened, he decided that enough was enough and literally picked the little lad up and hurled him into the goal post feet first.
The little lad was holding back tears and limped away bruised and humiliated.
To this day, I still believe he went too far with what he did but it certainly taught that young lad to respect his elders from then on.
He never did play football with us again...
(Tue 14th Nov 2006, 16:08, More)
Football Folly
Only last year, I, and a group of mates were playing football during the usual school break-time brutally out-playing the opponents of the hour quite brilliantly with yours truly manning the goal-line.
All was well until some little scally kid decided to continuously shout profanities at one of my mates because one of his shots (which you wouldn't like to get in the way of) literally floored one of the lads on the opposing team. Now, my mate is quite a big, stocky fella who doesn't take kindly to verbal abuse. Of course, he decided to do the best thing at that time and ignore the shallow threats.
Until, of course, the scally decided to spit on him. Well, this did get his attention and the next thing I heard....
BANG! Although, not witnessing the full extent of what had happened, he decided that enough was enough and literally picked the little lad up and hurled him into the goal post feet first.
The little lad was holding back tears and limped away bruised and humiliated.
To this day, I still believe he went too far with what he did but it certainly taught that young lad to respect his elders from then on.
He never did play football with us again...
(Tue 14th Nov 2006, 16:08, More)